30 Days Homeless
30 Days Homeless — The Power of 30
Imagine waking up to eviction notices. You lost your job 30 weeks ago and have been providing for yourself, your sick wife who knows little English and two children on your own. There’s a nearby shelter that houses families and luckily they have room for yours at the end of the week.
That means you now have 30 days.
30 days to find a job.
30 days to find a new place to live
that you can afford.
30 days to save enough money
to eat, at least.
What is 30 days when you have been struggling for the past 30 weeks?
What is 30 days when those 30 weeks have felt like 30 years?
Those 30 days feel like 13 seconds.
And now …
those 13 seconds are up.
Situations like this happen to thousands of people in the tri-state area on a regular basis. Though there are many shelters in our region to support homeless families as they battle during their lowest times, the growing demand for space often limits the length of time that families can stay. Most shelters only allow 30-day stays, with an occasional three-six month stay in extenuating circumstances.
As these scenarios become increasingly overwhelming, New Jersey shelters, with the help of corporate support, have begun to expand their services in hopes of building a better foundation for at-risk families and decreasing rates of recidivism.
Family Promise seeks to establish strong foundations that enable families to get back to a comfortable lifestyle and most importantly, sustain it. This is done by assisting families in securing permanent housing and providing financial workshops. Family Promise also offers after-school programs for children that include volunteer tutors and field trips.
Written by Sierra Smith